About Us

Meet the team that will help you change the world, one dataset at a time.

picture of Carol

Carol Buckingham


Carol completed a Classics degree while specializing in Ancient Art and Archaeology at Brock University. She discovered her passion for GIS through its applications for mapping underwater archeological excavations. She has previously used her unique skillset in cultural resource management and joins our spatial analysis team with an aim to determine areas with high potential for future archeological digs.

picture of Becca

Becca Carmichael

Environmental Geography

Becca holds a degree in Environmental Geography from Nipissing University, and has been a lifelong conservation enthusiast. She decided to study GIS to broaden and enhance her technical geographic knowledge with a goal of addressing human geography issues. She brings her skills and passion for clear communication to the cartography team!

picture of Kira-Marie

Kira-Marie Lazda

Environmental and Agricultural Science

Kira-Marie pursued Environmental Science at McGill University, specializing in Biodiversity and Conservation. She was quickly drawn to complete a minor in GIS & Remote Sensing as she realized how many conservation issues could be addressed with that skillset. She joins our team as the head consultant for habitat and wildlife conservation projects, and thrives in the spatial analyst role.

picture of Stephanie

Stephanie Scane

Environmental Studies and Forestry

Stephanie completed her degree in Environmental Studies with the goal of finding a career in conservation. The completion of her Master's in Forestry emphasized her passion for GIS and how it could bring her closer to leading meaningful conservation projects. After developing her skills and abilities, she joined our team as the head of the Forestry consultation sector, with a particular affinity for spatial analysis.

picture of Kathleen

Kathleen Soodhoo

Biodiversity and Conservation Biology

Kathleen completed a double major in Conservation Biology and Environmental Studies. The combination of a humanities and scientific background pushes her to approach environmental issues from a more holistic viewpoint, making her an invaluable member to our team. She pursued GIS as a way to discover more avenues to apply her passion for the environment. Her interdisciplinary experience landed her the position of team leader for the Urban Planning sector of our company.