Kira-Marie Lazda

GIS Applications Specialist and Environmental Scientist


GIS Applications Specialist Graduate Certificate

Fleming College Lindsay ON

September, 2021 - June, 2022

Further developing my knowledge of GIS, with a specific interest in how GIS intersects the fields of wildlife conservation and environmental science. The program provides training in database management, web design, remote sensing, cartography, programming in ArcGIS, and more!

B Sc. Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

McGill University Montreal QC

Concentration: Conservation & Biodiversity

Minor: GIS & Remote Sensing

January, 2018 - December, 2020

I was fortunate to have participated in field courses in Arizona and California, which inspired me to want to pursue a career in wildlife and habitat conservation.

Sunset in the Desert
Desert Ecology Field Course, Phoenix AZ

Professional Experience

Research Assistant

McGill University

May, 2020 - December 2020

I assisted a PhD student with her research on the distribution of North American mistletoe species in relation to her main topic of host-parasite relationships. I conducted extensive literature reviews, used ArcMap and ArcPy to generate hundreds of maps, managed large spreadsheets of data and performed data analysis in Excel.

Research Assistant

Macdonald Campus of McGill University

May, 2019 - September 2019

I assisted a PhD student with his research on the endangered Copper Redhorse fish and the effects of common pesticides in the Richelieu River of Quebec. I collected laboratory data of larvae growth and survival, participated in field work, performed data analysis and presented research findings at a conference.

Collecting Field Data
Seed Predation Project Data Collection